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Writer's pictureJohn Davis

NBL News & Blogging

Nature Based Learning is all about learning. This Blog is the best way for us to update you on our development, new initiatives, successes and failure and most importantly to keep you informed is a more immediate way. We will put a lot of notices here, and point you in new directions. This Blog is a way of personalizing what we are about.

I started putting together the NBL:Pondering Nature when I was under contract in Guangzhou, China. I was hired to create nature learning material for young students. I was doing this from 2015 to 2018. It was a great experience as I was able to use my 40 years experience in designing educational programs to a topic (nature awareness) that I was keenly interested in. The Nature Academy was the results and we brought nature experiences to thousands of students in southern China. I worked with a great group of people who were very receptive to new ideas.

We all recognize that students spend way to much time on their phones. The "screen time" is an addiction, and in China it is huge problem as well. Obesity is now a real issue there as kids just don't get out much. Educators are well aware of the issue, and they are creating lots of programs to get kids outside. Hence, they hired me. I was humbled and thrilled to help. Nature Based Learning is the result of this work.

NBL Challenges

In China, we had huge groups of students who would come to our events. Hundreds of them would come. It was here we learned (the hard way) that a group of 4 to 6 students is best for conducting a NBL Challenge. This would allow each student to explore, discover, think and PARTICIPATE. We also learned that students only need a minimum level of supervision once given the Challenge. The dove into seeking the solution. However, because they were so unaccustomed to being outdoors, they needed some supervision for safety's sake. Many were unfamiliar with basic rules about being outdoors. They liked to SCREAM, for example. They would get to pushy or close to the water's edge. They needed supervision, and the smaller the group, the better the learning experience for all.

Thank you and Good Luck

I sincerely hope you like NBL:Pondering Nature and the NBL Challenges. We will update the ebook every 6 months, and new challenges will be added several times a year. So, check back in to this page as updates will be given here. Again, I really appreciate you visiting our blog and hopefully you find our website interesting and useful. Please feel free to leave your comments and I do love to chat. Just click the chat button. Thanks again.

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